Five Precepts of Buddhism and Five Yamas of Hinduism

The five precepts (panca sila) of Buddhism are codes of moral conduct

  1. Abstain from killing – not harming other living beings or environment
  2. Abstain from stealing or taking things not given
  3. Abstain from sexual misconduct
  4. Abstain from wrong speech – lying and deception increase ignorance and delusion
  5. Abstain from intoxicants – intoxicants cloud the mind and make us prone to transgress the 4 precepts

The five yamas (restraints) of Hinduism are disciplines of behavior

  1. Ahimsa – not harming others with behavior or speech
  2. Satya – truthfulness in speech
  3. Asteya – not stealing or taking something that doesn’t belong to us
  4. Brahmacarya – restraint in sexual behavior
  5. Aparigraha – take only what is needed/necessary for one’s needs, not being greedy

Both Buddhism and Hinduism share in the codes of conduct with the exception of the use of intoxicants.

Hinduism also includes 5 niyamas (observances) of actions towards ourselves

  • Sauca – cleanliness
  • Santosa – contentment
  • Tapas – health of body through good habits of excercise, sleep, nutrition
  • Svadhaya – self study
  • Isvarapranidhana – offer fruit of actions to God